16 Facts about Skunks
Skunks are mammals that can be easily recognized by their black and white colored fur. There are 10 species of skunks and almost all of them live in North and Central America. They can live in open, shrub, wooded and urban areas. Skunks are not on the list of endangered species.-16 Facts about Skunks-
-1- Skunks are omnivores, which mean that they eat both plants and animals. -2- They like to eat fruits, insects, worms, reptiles and rodents. -3- Skunks often attack beehive because they eat honeybees. -4- Skunks are small animals. They reach 8-19 inches in size and weigh up to 14 pounds. -5- Two glands near their anus produce smelly substance that is released when animals are threatened. This substance is not harmful for the victims, but they will not be able to get rid of the smell during next couple of days. -6- Before it sprays the victim, skunk will turn its back, lift its tail, start hissing and stumping with its feet. Those are the warning signs that precede spraying. -7- Skunk can spray its oily and smelly substance up to 10 feet distance. -8- Their worst enemies are coyotes, bobcats and owls. -9- Male skunk is called buck, female - doe, and baby skunk - kit. -10- Skunks can survive a snake bite. -11- They have poor eyesight, but they have excellent sense of smell and hearing. -12- They can run only 10 miles per hour. -13- During mating season, one male with get in touch with more females. -14- Pregnancy lasts between 7 and 10 weeks and female gives birth to 2-10 babies. Mother takes care of her babies. -15- Skunk can transmit rabies. -16- Skunks live up to 3 years in the wild. They can survive up to 10 years in captivity. |
I never knew they eat honeybee's that's amazing!