A Dog Collar Tuxedo for Your Pets

What you need:

*A large piece of white felt (12×18in / 30×45cm)
*A piece of black scrap fabric
*Hot glue
*VELCRO sticky back squares
*Small black buttons
*Your dog’s collar


Lay your dog’s collar out lengthwise on the felt, and fold the felt over to measure how much you will need to cover the collar. Mark with a pencil how much felt you need while leaving a little bit of space for the velcro patches. Cut the strip out.

Attach 2 or 3 velcro patches to either side to hold the felt folded over the collar. (This way it is removable!) Snap the collar buckle together, and attach more velcro patches under the collar in front.

With the rest of the white felt, cut a long tab in the center of the short side of the felt. Place this through the collar, and fold the tab over the buckle in the front. Add velcro in the front under the buckle. Trim the felt as desired at the bottom. (A rounded bottom, and pointed center tab looks great.)

For the bow tie, a small piece of black fabric (about 4×10in / 10×25cm) can be hemmed with hot glue on the top and bottom by glueing and folding the fabric onto itself. Fold both long sides towards each other, and glue them together. Pinch the top and bottom together, and tie with a thin piece of fabric. Glue the bow onto the center tab of the collar.

Add small buttons by gluing or sewing to the front. On the inside front, glue one side of the felt to the collar, and add velcro tabs to the other side so it is fully removable.
Enjoy fancy times with your pup!

-Information taken from BuzzFeed-

Tree Stump Cat Scratch Pad (Video)

What you need:

*Box cutter
*Packing tape
*Cork sheet
*Felt sheet
*Hot glue and glue gun
*Catnip (optional)


Cut about 20-30 of 3.5inch/8.89cm cardboard strips. Roll up the first strip and tape it closed. This is the core.

Make close creases on the subsequent strips to ensure a smooth, circular shape when wrapped around the core. Start taping and wrapping layers until desired width of trunk is reached. Tape off last strip.

Cut a strip of cork sheet the same width as the cardboard. Break off the smooth end for a rough edge. Start breaking the cork off and gluing them one at a time, so that the broken pieces match up giving that ‘tree bark’ look.

Cut out a circle of felt that fits the bottom of the trunk. Glue it down.

Optional: Rub some catnip into the stump. The felt bottom should catch the catnip and prevent it from spilling everywhere.


-Information taken from BuzzFeed-

Did dragons ever exist?

Dragons are among the most popular and enduring of the world's mythological creatures. Dragon tales are known in many cultures, from the Americas to Europe to India to China. Though they populate our books, films, and television shows, they have a long and rich history in many forms.

Cow just wants to be loved by her cat friend

Despite their stone-faced appearance that cows have inherited from their ancestors Aurochs, cows are very sensitive animals with emotionally complex lives. Before they were driven to extinction by humans in 1627, auroch cows lived in the wild for at least 2 million years and hid illness, pain, weakness, injury by putting on a brave face at all times to avoid appearing vulnerable to flesh-eating animals. Auroch cows became extinct due to animal agriculture (humans took over their habitats to farm animals), domestication (captive cows on farms transmited diseases to free auroch cows in the wild) and being gunned down by "hunters."

Cows don't forget being hurt, and they hold grudges against other cows and humans who hurt them or their family members. Researchers Christine Nicol and John Webster at Bristol University have documented how cows within a herd form friendship groups of between two and four animals with whom they spend most of their time and that cows will even dislike other cows and can bear grudges against them for months and sometimes years.

The dairy industry has known about the emotionally sensitive nature of cows and has used it against cows to exploit their bodies to their maximum capacity. Researchers at the University of Leicester spent time playing lots of different tunes to cows on dairy farms and found that cows exposed to relaxing tunes lactate 3% more milk.

67 Years Old Lady Lives With 1100 Cats

We’ve all heard about crazy cat people.

The ones who hoard dozens and dozens of cats, to the point where the cats pretty much overtake their home. Lynea Lattanzio from California is a crazy cat lady. Well, not exactly. It’s crazy in a good way. She actually takes a different spin on owning dozens and dozens of cats. Her mission is to find loving homes for as many as she can. She runs the largest cage-free cat sanctuary in California!

It started out as simply a chore in helping her dad find some cats, but then it turned into something much larger. Her cats have overtaken her home as she has had to move out of her main house, due to all the rescue cats! But she also has a staff now as well as medical professionals on site to care for the animals. What an amazing lady and an amazing cat rescue set up that she has created!

-Information taken from ViralVo-

Why Do Cats Go Completely Insane After Pooping?

Cat lovers know that their feline family members can have very peculiar bathroom habits.

Arguably, the greatest mystery of these behaviors is when cats LOSE THEIR POOP, figuratively, after losing their poop, literally.

Bolting out of the litter box is a bizarre phenomenon, and the theories aiming to explain it are quite varied.

Some say post-poop freak-outs, or " zoomies," are a carryover survival instinct, so that predators can't trace the smell back to the kitty responsible for it.Others, including a veterinarian, say that it can be a sign of discomfort stemming from food allergies or even an infection.

Still others, including another veterinarian, say that using the litter box might lend some fresh energy to cats, and they burn off the high with a favorite exercise: running frantically around the house.

It could also be that cats run to cast off any remnants of waste. Or perhaps kitties sprint, some cat lovers speculate, because they can't stand the smell of their own droppings.Or maybe it is just exactly what it often looks like: a sign of happiness and exhilaration.

In humans, the vagus nerve, which descends from the brainstem to the colon and is stimulated during defecation, can cause all kinds of reactions, even feelings of exhilaration, according to gastroenterologist Dr. Anish Sheth, who wrote " What's Your Poo Telling You."

A similar phenomenon could be occurring in cats and could explain why cats seem elated and happy, running around and scratching their scratching posts with joy, Erin Willis, animal physiologist at Oklahoma State University, told The Dodo.

"Dr. Sheth calls the pleasurable sensation with defecation 'poo-phoria.' Good name for humans I guess, but the term 'poop crazies' is much better for cats, in my opinion, since they essentially run around like crazy cats afterwards," Willis said, adding that there is very little research on the matter.

Whatever the reasons are, we just keep scooping — and sweeping up the litter.

-Information taken from The Dodo-

15 Facts about Peacock

Most people use term "peacock" to describe both male and female birds, but peacock is actually a name that refers to male peafowl. Peafowl belong to pheasant family. These birds are native to Asia. There are two species of peafowl: Indian Peafowl and Green Peafowl. Both types are endangered because of the habitat loss, smuggling and predation.

-15 Facts about Peacock-

-1- Male peafowl is called peacock while female is called peahen.
-2- They are one of the largest flying birds. Their length (including tail) can reach 5 feet. They can weigh between 8-13 pounds.
-3- They are omnivores (eat both plants and animals). They like to eat insects, arthropods, amphibians, flowers, seeds…
-4- Their main predators are tigers, leopards, mongoose… When they sense a danger, they fly and hide in the trees. They spend nights on trees for the same reason.
-5- Family of peafowl is called "bevy".
-6- Group of peafowl is called "party".
-7- Beautiful and colorful tails are characteristic only for the males.
-8- Colors of the tail will look different every time you change the angle of looking because of the reflection of the light. Tail feathers have eye-like spots, surrounded with red, green, gold and red feathers.
-9- Tail makes 60% of peacock's total length.
-10- Peahen chooses its partner by the length, width and coloration of the tail.
-11- Peacocks are polygamous (mate with more than one female) and usually form a harem that consists of 2-5 females. Left alone peacocks are very sad and heart-broken.
-12- Although very beautiful, peacocks produce unpleasant sounds.
-13- Females lay 3-5 eggs. Young birds will hatch after 28 days.
-14- One day old baby peafowl can walk, eat and drink without assistance.
-15- Peafowl live up to 20 years both in the wild and in the captivity.

-Information taken from Softschools-